Lead dives and dive trips! Take certified divers on vacations to the world's best dive sites, how exciting!
The NAUI Divemaster course is an advanced training program designed for divers who want to take their passion for scuba diving to a professional level. As a NAUI Divemaster, you'll gain the knowledge and skills necessary to lead dives and dive trips, supervise certified divers during various diving activities, and assist in dive training. This certification is recognized as the highest NAUI leadership-level certification, second only to becoming a NAUI Instructor.
To qualify for the NAUI Divemaster course, divers must meet several prerequisites, including being at least 18 years old, holding certifications for NAUI Open Water Scuba Diver, Rescue Scuba Diver, Nitrox Diver, and Master Scuba Diver, or their equivalents. Additionally, candidates need to have logged a minimum of 50 open water dives totaling at least 25 hours of bottom time, demonstrate excellent water skills equivalent to a NAUI Assistant Instructor, and have current certification in First Aid for the Diving Professional. A medical examination with approval for diving by a licensed physician within the past 12 months is also required.
The course covers a wide range of topics and practical workshops, including dive leadership, supervising dive activities, diver safety and risk management, conducting dive briefings, organizing search and recovery projects, and mapping open water sites. The program aims to develop your ability to organize and direct various scuba diving activities, making you a role model for divers everywhere.
Upon successful completion of the course, NAUI Divemasters are qualified to organize and conduct enjoyable open water dives for certified divers, provided the diving activities and locales are similar to those in which they were trained. They are also qualified to assist NAUI Instructors in diving courses and may teach NAUI-DAN First Aid programs if they complete the necessary orientation. For those looking to advance further, the Divemaster certification is a stepping stone to entering a NAUI Instructor Training Course (ITC).
This certification not only enhances your diving knowledge and skills but also opens up career opportunities in diving across the world, whether at dive resorts, charter tours, or local dive shops. It's an opportunity to share your love for diving by leading and mentoring others in this exciting underwater activity.
Active NAUI Divemasters are Qualified to...
organize and conduct dives for certified divers if the diving activities and locale approximate those in which the Divemaster is trained. Additional training, knowledge or experience is necessary for the Divemaster who desires to organize highly specialized activities, such as wreck penetration, cavern or ice dives or enter a new locale.
organize and conduct NAUI Recognition (such as International Diver) and Experience Programs (such as Stingray Experience) and award appropriate recognition materials to participants.
assist an active-status NAUI Instructor in diving courses.
An active-status NAUI Divemaster who completes a NAUI-DAN First Aid Instructor orientation, who has completed all required NAUI-DAN orientation modules and is using the NAUI-DAN training and support materials, may teach the NAUI-DAN First Aid programs.
If all other prerequisites are met, a current NAUI Divemaster is qualified to enter a NAUI Instructor Training Course (ITC).
Minimum age is 18 years by the water phase of the course.
Current registration as a NAUI FIT Program graduate. (Optional as of 6/1/19)
Current certification as a NAUI Open Water Scuba Diver or the equivalent
Current certification as a NAUI Rescue Scuba Diver or the equivalent
Current certification as a NAUI Nitrox Diver or the equivalent
Current certification as a NAUI Master Scuba Diver or the equivalent
Current certification in NAUI First Aid for the Diving Professional or equivalent.
A minimum of 50 logged open water scuba dives with a minimum of 25 hours bottom time. Dives shall be varied in environment, depth, and activities.
Medical Approval - Verification of good physical condition as documented by a medical examination and unconditional approval for diving by a licensed physician within the preceding 12 months.
Materials – Contact the NAUI Training Department for current requirements.